Pours deep mahogany with a roasty nose. Sweetish on the palate, balancing as the black malt kicks in. Creamy texture and smooth finish.

Our Dark Lager is an old traditional “Dunkel” with 4 different malts including a dark roasted chocolate malt. These malts create a full flavoured malt body with hints of chocolate and coffee aroma. It is carefully mashed over 5 hours and then we add lager yeast that derives from an old monastery brewery. A very long fermentation and maturation time of 8 weeks at 3-5 degrees is ensuring the perfect working condition for the yeast. The natural carbonation that happens during this time is creating extremely fine bubbles that lead to a soft-creamy foam. The malty character is dominant but the sweetness is balanced with fine Bitter- and Aroma hops from South Africa and Europe. Our yeast did a great job in dark waters and produced 5 vol% of the finest alcohols.